Friday 1 August 2014

Traveling Through Difficult Terrain

If I say that I am developing a model which would provide poor marginal farmers US$1000 annually from 1 acre degraded land, you may call me crazy. After all, getting an annual income of US$1,000 or more from 1 acre degraded land, and that with small and marginal tribal farmers who are known for their backwardness is not possible. BUT I AM DOING AND IT WILL BE PROVED BY 2018 THAT WHETHER I AM SUCCESSFUL OR NOT  

WHAT IS AT STAKE? Apart from putting INR1.0 million as initial seed capital I have dedicated my time and energy in turning this concept into reality. I have said Goodbye to high paying consultancies and focusing on grounding 1 acre model. IF I SUCCEED IT WOULD TRANSFORM LIVES OF MILLIONS OF SMALL AND MARGINAL FARMERS, IF I FAIL IT WOULD BE MY First Attempt In Learning, and I would do it again.

WHO ARE THERE TO HELP ME?  A very strong advisory team, active support from agricultural universities, ICRISAT, private sector, my better-half and FRIENDS & WELL WISHERS

WHETHER MY CONCEPT IS WORTH? Recently, I had a long discussion with an investment company, willing to put INR 5.0 - 10.0 million on certain terms and conditions for which I did not agree. UNLTD India ( which helps emerging social entrepreneurs is building my capacity to take up this challenge.

Therefore, whenever you see us with those tribal farmers in their field, be sure that we are sowing seeds of better future, not only for those farmers but for many others. These farmers are our initial partners in the 1 acre model.

You can visit the web-page to know more about the work.

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